

Book Title: Covet the Moon

Author Name: Tina Carreiro

Author Location (for press releases) US, Florida

Name of series and book number in series: Power of the Moon series; this is book #2

Genre: Dark contemporary/paranormal romance

Publisher: Time & Tide Publishing

Date of Publication: 08 September 2014


Ebook ISBN-13: 978-0-9892549-9-1

PRINT ISBN-13: 978-0-9903057-0-5

Formats available: Print and Ebook

Cover Artist: Tincar Creations

Purchase Links: Pre-order at a special price of $2.99


Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iTunes

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Time & Tide Publishing 

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Blurb/Book Description:


Mia Starr is now a full agent working for Sector 13, a secret division of the FBI, which monitors and controls all paranormal activity. Her main objective: keep humans safe and the paranormal hidden.  Fresh out of human training, Mia is looking forward to learning all things paranormal and working with Cole, her deadly and sexy vampire lover. Before she has a chance to settle into her new life, she’s abducted. With her powers unfolding, an ancient enemy is revealed, and a powerful lineage to rival all others.

Cole Barnett will stop at nothing to get Mia back. Pushed to his breaking point when old ties surface, the vampire within him claws at his restraint leaving him with one choice-let it rage! Cole leaves a trail of blood and broken rules he’ll have to answer for in his wake to find Mia. Once he does, he also uncovers a connection between them that could shift the world of the undead. Now the one he covets is the one he needs to let go-her survival depends on it. But his stubborn human has set out to prove him wrong in a battle for love and her own life.


Sometimes you have to unleash the beast….



John’s decision to come to the turnpike station first had Cole’s fangs edging out. “We should go to the scene, to confirm-” He couldn’t finish the thought. Without his blood inside Mia, he couldn’t be sure, and his entire body was conflicted with doubt. His jaw tightened, and the tip of his fangs poked at the inside of his lip. Removing his clip from his belt, he flicked his thumb underneath the first bullet and ejected it from the clip into his palm. He closed his eyes as the silver burned its shape into his flesh and eased the glow he felt creeping into his eyes. Taking a calming breath, he slid the bullet into his pocket and reattached the clip to his belt.

“Stay calm,” John said, as they walked through the doors to the turnpike substation. Cole responded in a low growl that put John on alert, making his jaw muscle tick.

A young man leaning back in his chair with his feet propped on the table looked up from a set of monitors. “Can I help you?”

“Do you get pictures from the road cameras?” John asked.

“Naw, that’s illegal. The whole “Big Brother” argument. We only monitor them. We get an alert from the radar units on the other poles when a vehicle’s speed registers too low or high and then we check the monitors for trouble.” He smacked his gum with an open mouth chew and turned his attention to Cole as he walked behind the counter. “Sir, you can’t come back here,” he said.

“Are these today’s turnpike tickets?” Cole asked, his jaw set in a tight line.

“You can’t just come back here…”

“Answer the question.”

“I-I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” The young man stammered as he reached toward the phone. Cole’s hand covered his, quickly replacing the phone in its cradle.

“We’re going to have a problem if you don’t answer my question,” Cole said, filling in the space between them. He leveled an assertive gaze at the man.

“Barnett. Back off,” John commanded.

“You-you need some type of warrant or authority to come back here.”

Cole ignored the man and grabbed the tin box from the counter. Pulling out a stack of tickets, he held them to his nose. With a frustrated growl, he threw the stack down and grabbed more from the box. With each stack, he grew more agitated. Picking up the fifth stack, he paused as a familiar scent reached his nose. He breathed deeper and tore through the tickets to pull out the one with Mia’s aroma. It was faint, but it was her scent.

“I need the license plate and the photo of the driver this came from.” Cole held out the ticket to man.

“I can’t do that. I need permission and-”


“Sir, you don’t have the authority…”

Cole snatched his badge from his belt and slammed it on the table in front of the man. “How’s this? No?” Arching a brow at the man’s hesitation his gun followed, slamming down with the same force as the badge. “How about this?”

The man locked into Cole’s deadly gaze. When his eyes widened, Cole knew it was from the glow that had started to appear from behind his irises.

“Still not enough authority for you? How about this!” Cole’s fangs jetted out like a switchblade.

“Holy shit! What kind of cops are you?”



If you haven’t read Power of the Moon, book 1 in the Power of the Moon series, you can download if NOW for a limited time at 0.99!!!




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Also available in print



Haunted by visions of death, and a past that holds her prisoner, Mia Starr never imagined her life could become even more complex. Untapped psychic powers spark to life, and her chosen solitary existence fills with creatures that shatter her safe reality. Now the very thing she fears the most is the one thing that will complete her in every way possible.

Detective Cole Barnett has mastered the vampire within. It has earned him respect and a position with Sector 13, the hardest job a vampire can hold. When a beautiful mortal is thrown into his investigation, with powers able to subjugate vampires, she tests his restraint.

Cole and Mia’s passion ignites, but Mia’s fear holds her back and she struggles to forget his touch and possessive kiss. What she doesn’t realize is the more she runs from him, the more excited he becomes, and the hunt is something he cannot resist.

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Tina Carreiro is a multipublished author who resides in South Florida with her family. At the young age of 15, Tina started working to help her family and became a jack-of-all-trades, working in many different areas from managing an automotive shop, to putting her computer programming degree to use. In 2010, she retired from her office job to live her dream and write. Her addiction to romance novels began at a young age when she started sneaking her mom’s Gray Eagle series by Janelle Taylor, and it was then her love for writing began. Her paranormal romance series, Power of the Moon, has gained popularity amongst the fans of this genre. Tina became a co-host on Encounters Live, a paranormal radio show, in 2009. Open to all things paranormal, Tina has had her own encounters with the paranormal but still approaches the topic from a logical angle. Tina is married to her best friend and Encounters Live co-host, Matt Carreiro and is a full-time cub scout/camping/gymnastic/PS3/Minecraft mom for her son and daughter. When not writing, Tina enjoys reading romance novels, zombie movies, restoring classic cars, camping, and coffee with caramel macchiato creamer. Poking fun at herself, and everything in between is her key to laughter and a long and healthy life.

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Cover Reveal ~The White Devil of Dublin by P.M. Terrell

The White Devil of Dublin

Ryan O’Clery Mysteries Book #2

By- p.m.terrell

Genre- Romantic Suspense

Published By- Drake Valley Press

Expected Publication Date- September 15th, 2014


When Detective Ryan O’Clery receives a call from a noted historian claiming to have uncovered information about his Irish ancestors, he is certain she is mistaken. But when he arrives for their meeting, he finds the historian murdered and her computer stolen. His investigation will lead him to 12th Century Ireland, to a time of the Viking invasion and conquest, to an albino known as The White Devil of Dublin, and to a shocking secret his family kept hidden for more than eight hundred years. He will also come face-to-face with a present-day albino serial killer, intent on finishing the job he started.

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Release Blitz ~ Shattered Innocence by Alexis Noelle


Growing up poor and with a set of parents who couldn’t care less about her, Jessica Evans was on her own. She knew she wanted better and was determined to make it through college. Her only problem was that she was broke, and college was expensive. That’s when she was introduced to the world of depravity and scandal that she currently resides in.

Damon Shaw has just been assigned to take over the day-to-day operations of the escort service where he’s has been working for almost five years. He immediately bumps heads with the sexy and stubborn Jessica. Damon is determined to show Jessica who is in control and make her follow his every instruction.

When the two get together, sparks begin to fly. Jessica and Damon will challenge and enrage each other at every turn. The sting of words and the temptation of seduction are ever present between them. Damon is not at all what he seems. When all hell breaks loose, will Damon and Jessica make it or will she send him packing?

**Shattered Innocence is for mature audiences only—strong language, and explicit sexual content are apparent.**

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About the Author

Alexis Noelle lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with her husband, three kids, and two dogs. On top a writing career, she is a full-time student and a full-time mom. She loves spending time with her kids, although she has to hide the computer from them when she is writing! She love being active and being outdoors, especially if it involves any kind of shopping.

She has always been passionate about writing. She loves to read romance books and feels like being able to lose yourself in a book is one of the more exciting aspects. The books she loves to read and write will be ones that make you feel for the characters. Ashley believes that you should have an opinion on every character in a book whether you love them, hate them, or think they are up to something.

She also believes that the most important critic is your reader, so she loves to hear from the readers. She want her fans to be open & talk to her about what they want for the characters in the story, and what they would like to see happen.

Contact Alexis

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Other Books by Alexis Noelle

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